Monday, October 25, 2010


Is it just me, or are they trying to sell sweatpants painted up like blue jeans for $40?  What's next, nightgown prom dresses?   I mean really, do you know how lumpy most people's asses would be in these?  It is a good thing they are pajamas because then these lumpy assed girls will be properly dressed for a fashion nightmare.

Please explain why...

Please explain why a woman felt the need to discuss her new medication and how her urine smelled like burned beans.  She says all of this to me like I am her very own personal physician.  I was washing my hands and she steps up and shares this nugget of info.  People, this is not acceptable behavior.  This has been a public service announcement. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is on the dashboard of my mother's car. WTF? She must be regressing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay, I think it is time for me to discuss my favorite songs right now. I will limit the list to five.
1. The National, "Bloodbuzz Ohio"- The lead's voice sounds like Tom Waits and Darth Vader's love child.
2. Broken Bells, "Sailing to Nowhere"-  Love this one.  Great melody and  a bit creepy.
3. Guster, "Do You Love Me"-  This song makes me smile big.  I love that "marbles in my mouth" phrase.  I can totally relate.
4. The Black Keys, "Howlin' for you"-  Sexy.
5. And an older, but still awesome, "Be Here Now" by Mason Jennings-  Makes me think about how good my life is right now. 

All are awesome.

By the way, I have no qualms about telling you that I can be obsessed with a song or songs. I set about ten songs on a playlist and hit the repeat button. Before I know it I will have listened to them all about five times. Does this count as a hobby?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


In case you cannot tell, this is a naked barbie riding a bulldog hood ornament. What can I say? Some rednecks are freakin' geniuses.

Looks like Nietzsche was right...

God must be dead.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

DaNaNaNa...They say its your birthday!

Happy 70th to the late John Lennon.  Which begs the question; how can one have a birthday if one is dead?  I don't really know, I just really love the Beatles.  John is not my fav, but god I love "Happiness is a Warm Gun".  Anywho, celebrate the music today.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chicago Impressions

Can squids use spoons?

I dreamt last night that I was a giant squid with tentacles that held jars of nutella. Also, I sang that song "Angie" by the Stones really loudly while I waved my delicious jars of hazelnut goodness. I was one happy squid. I think Freud would have a ball with that one.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things I learned today:

1.  I really hate getting junk mail.  I always suspected that it sucked, but I really do hate it.

2.  Cheese grits with turkey sausage and garlic are amazing.

3.  Queen Latifah sounds like a man when she speaks on the radio.  Seriously, I thought I was listening to an interview with Shaquille O'Neal for about five minutes.