Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay, I think it is time for me to discuss my favorite songs right now. I will limit the list to five.
1. The National, "Bloodbuzz Ohio"- The lead's voice sounds like Tom Waits and Darth Vader's love child.
2. Broken Bells, "Sailing to Nowhere"-  Love this one.  Great melody and  a bit creepy.
3. Guster, "Do You Love Me"-  This song makes me smile big.  I love that "marbles in my mouth" phrase.  I can totally relate.
4. The Black Keys, "Howlin' for you"-  Sexy.
5. And an older, but still awesome, "Be Here Now" by Mason Jennings-  Makes me think about how good my life is right now. 

All are awesome.

By the way, I have no qualms about telling you that I can be obsessed with a song or songs. I set about ten songs on a playlist and hit the repeat button. Before I know it I will have listened to them all about five times. Does this count as a hobby?


Katie said...

I know where you're coming from. I listen to a song repeatedly, like 78 times in a row. Which is fun at the time but then I end up hating the song after a while.
I need to stop doing that.