Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sweet Lord this is funny.

Video Recaps | Full Episodes | Webisodes

 4 words:John Hamm's hairy belly!!!!!

Ah, I do love a hairy man.

Is it possible to go crazy in less than 48 hours?

Things I did while trapped in my house.
  1. Cleaned out my fridge,
  2. Drew a "tattoo" of a lightning bolt on my wrist,
  3. Ate my weight in cinnamon toast crunch,
  4. Played Claire De Lune on the piano five times,
  5. Tried to play Claire De Lune on the guitar,
  6. Learned that I still cannot play the guitar,
  7. Darned a pair of my favorite socks,
  8. Bought a new copy of Weezer's Pinkerton on amazon. (I stepped on my original...oops).
  9. Called my Mom.  awwww.
  10. Rolled around on a yoga ball for 30 minutes. 
  11. Watched part of a Matrix marathon on amc.
  12. Cleaned the bugs out of the light fixture in my garage.
Yep, a most productive weekend.


Is this for real?  Seriously, is it?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

~* I Hate Snow *~

Ahhh, snow.  My cold, wet, white enemy.  Yes, it is true I moved into your territory, but for the past couple of years you have lain low and given me a sense of optimism.  Oh cruel beast.  You have made quite a comeback.  You have forced me to buy at least 3 days worth of groceries, and you know very well that I am a daily grocery shopper.  My pears may turn mushy before I can eat them; my bread modly.   Yes, you are a worth adversary.  My neighbors stole my shovel, my garage door is frozen shut; I couldn't get out if I wanted to.   Well played old man, well played.

Winston Churchill said, "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons."  So, I guess I need to start allying myself with Global Warming.  Maybe I will drive around in my 4-wheel drive gas guzzling Acura with the heat on high and the windows down. Its on Snow.  Its ON!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tower of Terror

My friend, who shall remain nameless for her own protection, and I were riding through the country one day when we stumbled upon this... thing.  Now, my friend had long sought to make her own tarot deck from her original photography, and we thought that this little gem might be a good contender for "the Tower".  I mean, what do you call it? Is it a shack? A hut? An upright coffin? A roadside outhouse? One person bus stop for 1980's flea market/carnival workers?  And is that a raft in front? 

I digress, my friend and I circled around this thing twice trying to figure out the best angle to truly capture the essence of this little gem.  We knew we wanted the awesome flea market, blacklight, cobra poster in the frame.  It was delicate work to be sure.  On our third approach my friend rolled down the window and I stopped.  As she was taking the picture we heard a bone chilling sound.  Loud and echoing; it was a whistle, and not a wolf whistle or a person whistling their favorite tune.  No, it was the whistle only heard in the south.   The "hey buddy get ready to get shot" whistle only truly done well by hillbillies.

I have never driven away from a place so fast in my life and that includes the night I got caught spying on my boyfriend while with the same friend.   In closing, if this is your hut/bus stop, please do not hunt me down and kill me.  Many thanks.


The ultimate in girl power.  Who needs Helen Gurley Brown?

New and ...the same...

So, I am changing up my blog.  It used to be a bunch of recipes and quotes from movies, and that is really not awesome.  This will also not be awesome, but it will be new.

A little about me: 
1. I am obsessed with all things British.
2. I love Star Wars. Sadly, to the point that it once cost me a relationship.  You can't compare a regular guy to the sexiness that is Darth Vadar. (Well, you can, but regular guy always loses.)
3. I love reading.  Books are more fun than people usually.  You can shut a book up.
4. I do not match my socks.
5. I believe that this blog makes me a narcissist. 
6. I am an attorney; no judgments please, we all have to work.
7. I believe that I am often too smart for my own good.
8. I love my sock monkey, cheese, socks and Van Morrison.  (Listed in order of importance.)
9. I think Paul McCartney is still dreamy.
10. I am terrified of birds.