Saturday, January 30, 2010

~* I Hate Snow *~

Ahhh, snow.  My cold, wet, white enemy.  Yes, it is true I moved into your territory, but for the past couple of years you have lain low and given me a sense of optimism.  Oh cruel beast.  You have made quite a comeback.  You have forced me to buy at least 3 days worth of groceries, and you know very well that I am a daily grocery shopper.  My pears may turn mushy before I can eat them; my bread modly.   Yes, you are a worth adversary.  My neighbors stole my shovel, my garage door is frozen shut; I couldn't get out if I wanted to.   Well played old man, well played.

Winston Churchill said, "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons."  So, I guess I need to start allying myself with Global Warming.  Maybe I will drive around in my 4-wheel drive gas guzzling Acura with the heat on high and the windows down. Its on Snow.  Its ON!


Ang. said...

We have about 10 inches. What about you?

Layin' it down for all to see... said...

Just about the same I guess. The wind has blown quite a bit of it off my deck. I can't be sure. Maybe sledding tomorrow!

Linda said...

It is melting here. :)

Layin' it down for all to see... said...

Linda, not melting here yet. Too cold.