Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today I burped.

Yes, I know, this is not a shocker.  I burp all the time; in fact, that was to be my talent at 4-H camp.  I could burp the alphabet.  I was good at it.  I would go so far as to say I was the Michael Jordan of alphabet burping, but apparently the talent show judges at camp didn't think burping was a "talent".  Whatever, they suck.

I digress, today I was sitting, having a conversation with a co-worker when a burp slipped out.  Just came out loud and proud.  This has never happened to me.  I always have a warning.  It may be a short one, but it is at least enough time to close my mouth or muffle the sound.  This was completely unexpected.  I am freaking out.  What if this happens when I meet President Obama, or Paul McCartney?  I will never be the same again.   How can I ever relax again?


Katie said...

The answer is obviously to give the President or Paul McCartney a large amount of carbinated beverage upon meeting them. Then THEY will burp first and if they do it's fine. Burp away.