Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): fin·gered; fin·ger·ing \-g(ə-)riŋ\
Date: 15th century

transitive verb
1 : to touch or feel with the fingers
2 a : to play (a musical instrument) with the fingers b : to play (as notes or chords) with a specific fingering c : to mark the notes of (a music score) as a guide in playing
3 : to point out as an accusation.

I cannot tell you how misunderstood I was today when I used the word "fingered", as in number 3 above.  Just know that my client was asked about being digitally raped, and I almost peed my pants.  Sometimes my job is so great.


TN Art Teacher said...

Oh, Sadie, you makes me laugh!

Layin' it down for all to see... said...

TeeHee. Thanks.

Katie said...

With your job you will NEVER run out of hilarious blog posts!! YAy!!