Monday, March 29, 2010

This is the most terrifying photo I have ever seen.  If I looked up and saw these two coming at me I would crap my pants.  They are creepy, and not even because of the hair and fashion choices.  That knife/gun thing is scary enough;  holy hell though, what is he going to do with that bird?  Pennywise from Stephen King's It could take lessons from these two.

On a completely unrelated note, I think I am being attacked by mutant allergens.   I think they are my kryptonite.  I'm on my way home to my fortress of solitude to recover.


euphoricemily said...


Katie said...

and I didn't realize walmart photo did props...

Katie said...

nice. Next years picture features a weapon of mass distruction and a chinchilla.

TN Art Teacher said...

I can just imagine the Walmart photographer when the happy couple came up to the counter and asked how much an 8X10 and nine wallets would cost.