Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today in juvenile court I overheard the following conversation between two women:

Woman#1  Them Democrats are gonna ruin us all.  Why do they have to mess around with our insurance.
Woman#2  I know,  things were better when Bush was in office...  What's your brother up to now?
Woman#1  Nothing, he's trying for disability.  I sent him to my lawyer.  He did a great job with my case.

Oh, the humanity.   I know Woman#1 and she gets her insurance through TennCare, our Medicaid program.  I swear, if these women were chickens they would vote for Colonel Sanders.


Katie said...

Oh. My. God.
That is all.

Russ said...

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahhahhhhahhahahaahahhahaahahhahahahahahahahha...mmm...chicken......chicken is good

euphoricemily said...

ahhahaha...I love the chicken comment! hahahahaha