Thursday, February 4, 2010

Suck it Jack!!!!!!!

funny animated gif
Okay, so I after my piano lesson I decided to swing through a local drive thru to get a diet coke the size of a bathtub.  In front of my car is a vehicle of sorts, I hesitate to call it a car, because it had no rear window, only a thin layer of black plastic, it was belching black smoky exhaust, and had a rust hole in the shape of Russia on the trunk.  Also present was one of those baby tires you use when you have a flat, only this thing had two of them on the rear wheels.

It took at least three minutes at the first window, because Jack (short for Jackass) had to open the door and count out change for whatever food he ordered.  It took even longer at the next window because he pulled too close and couldn't get his arm out the door to take the bag of food.

To Jack I say: What the hell?  Have you never been in a drive thru before?   If you need to be outside of your car to get the food you are not driving thru, you are, at best, driving up.  Get with the program.

I laughed out loud and you shot me the bird and spun out on one of you baby tires.  Next time think about whether or not the drive thru is a possibility for you and act accordingly.  Jackass.