Sunday, February 21, 2010

I don't think this was the big hair the 80's was famous for.

The ways I know my friend and I have grown up:
  • We both make sure we have plenty of toilet paper.  No more digging for Kleenex in an emergency.
  • We both have spare bedrooms for company.
  • We don't like hanging out with a bunch of club kids and pretend hippies anymore.
  • We have gray hairs.
  • We both have jobs with insurance benefits.
  • We talk about things like mortgages, 401ks, and credit scores.
  • Thankfully our mother's don't dress us and do our hair anymore. (see above pics for reference.)


Katie said...

I realized that I was an 'adult' the year I asked for tupperware for Christmas instead of things like cd's and was pissed when I didn't get it.

Russ said...

I realized I was an adult when I started going to bed before 10pm. Also, I no longer sleep until noon; I'm usually up at 9 or 10. I'm so old.

I am also twice as old as some of my students now. Sigh...