Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pinkerton, Paul McCartney and a lament of noise.

So, I recently broke my most favorite CD in the world.  It was in my itunes library so I could still listen to it whenever I wanted, but I was still was upset that it was in three pieces on the floor.  I ordered a new copy of the CD and it arrived yesterday.  I popped it into my CD player in my car and fell in love all over again.  I was a different experience than calling a song up on my ipod.  So much of the music on my ipod is put into playlists and shuffled around so that there is no sense of "the album" anymore. 

It made me sort of sad to think about how we don't buy music in the tangible sense anymore.  I remember the first record I ever bought with my own money.  It was the 45rpm single press of "Say, Say, Say" by Paul McCartney (I have had a crush on PM for as long as I can remember) and Michael Jackson.  I listened to it endlessly,  and would carefully wipe any dust off before putting it back in its paper sleeve.  It was something special to take that black vinyl disk, place it on the turntable, and set the needle arm down.   The crackly, poppy sounds that would precede the music were and still are the most amazing sounds.  The were the intro to every song I loved as a child.  I miss that sound.  Maybe itunes should start putting that sound at the beginning of every song.  :) 


Toby said...

I still buy all my music in CD form. Even some on vinyl. I don't like digital downloads. Too fancy.