Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This. Is. American. Mediocre Idol!

What is going on with American Idol? All the contestants are meh. Where is the charisma? If it doesn't show up soon I'm gonna have to change the channel. I only watch a couple of tv shows regularly, and I may start looking for a replacement.  Trash tv is so unpredictable.  Dirty Grocery Store boy is about halfway to being great, and Simon is still sex on legs.


Katie said...

I don't watch Idol. Never have. I am a public (in my family) hater of the show. However, my FAVORITE part of the day is the Idol recap the day after on my local morning radio show. It's like cliff notes for Idol. Just the important stuff without any of the gunk. I LOVE IT. One of my favorite guilty pleasures. If my family knew, after all the smack I talk, they would definitely send me packing!

Layin' it down for all to see... said...

Your secret is safe with me. :)